Knoxville Opera Partners

Thank you to all the wonderful partners who help us achieve our mission.

  • Arts & Culture Alliance

    Bailey Family Foundation

    Eden McNabb & Chris Bishop

    City of Knoxville

    Knox County

    Knoxville Opera Camerata

    Lawson Family Foundation

    The Sood Family

    Tennessee Arts Commission

    U.S. Small Business Administration

  • Emily Anderson & Barry Spann

    The Aslan Foundation

    Whitfield and Brittany Bailey

    Harry Boston

    Dr. & Mrs. Joseph S. DeLeese

    Mark Hill

    Home Federal Bank

    Knoxville Beverage Company, Inc.

    Francine Marasco


    Metropolitan Knoxville Airport Authority - MKAA

    Sandy McNabb

    Julia and Mike Mullaney

    Regal Cinemas

    Spencer Family Foundation

    Jennie Sullivan


    Visit Knoxville

    YMCA of East Tennessee

  • Marty Begalla

    Joseph Lenn and Laura Seery Cole

    Creekside Capital, Inc.

    Downtown Knoxville Alliance

    Audrey A. Duncan

    Eagle Distributing

    ESS (Educational Staffing Solutions)

    Event Rentals by Rothchild

    Bill & Crissy Haslam Foundation

    HES Facilities Management

    Chuck & Terry James

    Patricia Bible, KaTom Restaurant Supply, Inc.

    Robert Marquis and Townes Osborn

    Lindsay McDonough

    Brent Midyett and Melissa Gabor Midyett

    Sherri & John Murphy

    Wayne & Margaret Ritchie

    John & Delores Sorey

    Dorothy and Caesar Stair

    Alice Torbett

    University of Tennessee Natalie L. Haslam College of Music

    Donna Wertz

  • Anonymous

    Gayle Edmiston - American Home Builders, LLC

    Axle Logistics, LLC

    Steve Backiel

    Jerry and Susan Becker

    Holden Caperton

    The Catani Family

    Dr. & Mrs. Daniel E. Conrad

    Phyllis Driver

    Allison Easterday & PeeJay Alexander

    Faith Ferguson and Donald Stoner

    Jason and Carrie Hardy

    Lane Hays

    Amy and Nathan Honeycutt

    Michael Kull, Eagle Strategies, LLC

    Sheryl Linck and Garry Conklin

    Massey Electric

    Susana Navarro

    Michael Newbury and Caroline Morrison

    Fred & Karen Nidiffer


    Rotary Club of Knoxville

    Margaret and James Samples

    Zane & Teresa Scarlett

    Jan & Don Simpson

    Theresa Stone

    Marvin Thomas

    Kim Trent

    Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Wilson

  • Carol & Dr. Myrwood C. Besozzi

    Sharon Boyce & Jack Woodall

    Bedros and Dara Bozdogan

    Lisa Breazeale

    Sagi Brodt

    Michelle and Nick Bunstine

    R. Ted Smith and David Butler

    Dr. Peter and Sandra Campbell

    Mark and Eva Champion

    Pete and Erika Colombo

    Mr. Robert Croley

    Drs. Reid & Olga Crumpton - Crumpton Family Dentistry

    Natalie & Jared Dowling

    Angela and Greg Ellenburg - Ellenburg Landscaping

    Susana Esrequis & Ramon Leon

    Karen B. Everett

    R. Mardel Fehrenbach

    Patricia Maffeo & Thomas Fine

    Bonne & Jonathan Foulds

    Kathryn Kinnard Freeman

    Charles Goan

    Dr. James Gorney & Dr. Beverly Gibbons

    Barbara Grove

    Jacque and Cliff Hawks

    Sara Pinnell - Hedstrom Landscape Architecture

    Hickory Construction

    Cathy Hill

    Dr. and Mrs. Parks Hitch

    Felicia Harris Hoehne

    HomeTrust Bank

    Susan and John Hubbard

    Joseph and Eva Huntsman, Southern Orthocare Prosthetics

    Sally & William Johnson

    Rick & Carol Jones

    Nieves & Robert Killefer

    Dr. James E. Lawler

    Janet Lawson

    James Martinez - LeafFilter North of TN, Inc.

    Dr. Paula MacMorran

    Dr. Angela Masini and Mr. Terry Grove

    Brenda Ashe Maupin

    Marga and Jay McBride

    Sheena McCall

    Jeanie M. Turner Melton

    Cheryl & Tom Midyett

    Cathleen Dodge Miller and Clark Miller

    Scott Milner

    Steve and Sue Mirshak

    Dr. & Mrs. E. Jay Mounger

    OPERA America

    Opera Volunteers International

    Margie Parrott

    Lezah and Burke Pinnell

    Pride Land Landscaping

    Mary B. Rayson

    The Peter & Briana Rosenbaum Family Fund

    Gibson Smith

    Drs. Malcolm and Elizabeth Spica

    Alwyn and Sara Staley

    Nancy Stewart

    Bill and Mary Kay Sullivan

    Wanda Taylor

    Bill & Mary Walker

    Diana Warner

    Jacqueline Whittemore & Andrew MacDonald

    Stuart Worden

    Wortham Family

  • Akima Club

    Ana & Jeffrey Barker

    Ms. Jan Bechtel


    George and Lisa Bitzas

    John Blair

    Randi and Dave Boeje

    Kurt Brandt & Dawn Huff

    Lewis Brewer

    Dr. Michelle Brewer

    Charles and Marion Burger

    C. Gayle Burnett

    Angelyn Campbell & Dave McKay

    Ellen Capito and Arthur Coston

    Jim and Nancy Carmon

    Dr. Kenneth B. Carpenter

    Lisa Carroll

    Rick Fox and Ralph Cianelli

    Trey & Christy Coleman

    Eleanor and Mel Cooper

    Gary and Michele Cox

    Janan Dakak

    Mary Lou Daugherty

    Blanche and Larry Dresner

    ETSU Department of Music

    Mark and Patricia Eklund

    Jay Gingrich

    Kim and Jim Hays

    Tyler Janow

    Joy of Music School

    Paul and Donna Kedrow

    Elizabeth and Alan Lee

    Anne May

    Joy McKenzie-Smith

    Laurel Blackett & Steven Robert Miranda

    Julie Mitchell

    Pet Nanny Petcare

    Lester & Pat Petrie

    Dr. & Mrs. Ronald Rimer

    Jennifer Roche

    Gregory Samples

    Nina & Edgard Semaan

    Becky Fuller & Jack Singleton

    Cynthia & Peter Sowa III

    Nicole and Bennie Underwood

    University of the Cumberlands Friends of Music

    Nancy Van Hook

    Alcira Villegas

    Dr. & Mrs. Don Wheeler

    Karen and Harvey White

    Dr. and Mrs. James Yates

    Nathan and Sylvia Zingg

  • Anonymous

    Moody Altamimi

    Ingrid Arsuaga

    Carol Mitchell and Eric Belcher

    Lisa and Dave Bogaty

    Bob and Cardin Bradley

    Susan Branch

    Orel Brodt

    Dorothy Bryson and Daniel Mack

    Virginia and Fred Buffum


    Alexandra and Taylor Chnyrenkova

    Anne Cobble-Saravo

    Douglas and María Teresa Cox

    Debbie Dalton, Joshua Dalton, & Joyce Dalton

    Robert and Lana Daverman

    Chris and Susan Davis

    Donna Davis and Ivan Beltz

    Dr. Mark & Karen Drumhiller

    Michael & Deborah Emery


    Kenneth and Susan Fittro

    Ken Foster

    Robert E. Freeman

    Friends of Knox County Public Library

    Michael Powers Fuller

    Nan and Mark Gaylord

    Robin Gold

    Dr. Shelley Griffith

    Joseph Guidetti

    Mary Kay Henry

    Chris and Sheila Hill

    Kimberly and Tildon Hood

    Shane & Amy Jackson

    Allen Johnson

    Vicki Kinser

    Aaron and Ayonna Love

    Gay & Bill Lyons

    Kathleen Mahan

    Carolyn Martino & Roberto Candelino

    Donna Brehm


    Dr. & Ms. J. Michael McCoy

    Marylees Miller

    Rebecca Moses

    Dr. Brian Murphy and Dr. Caryn Wunderlich

    Kathleen Norris

    Stephen & Gloria Palacios

    Ken McFarland & Linda Phillips

    Christine Pienkowski

    Chris Poteet

    Katie Powell & Johnathan Borsodi

    Kay Ray

    Anne and Roger Riley

    Eddie and Julia Rivera

    John & Kay Rodgers

    Nadine and John Rogers

    Mr. Robert & Dr. Suzanne Rybczynski

    Wolfgang Schaber

    Thomas Shishkowsky and Maria Simeone

    Joshua Smith

    Robin Smith

    Genevieve Stubbs

    Ross & Rebecca Sullivan

    Renee Tatum and Philip Schneider

    Donna J. Terzak

    Marilyn Turner

    Rochelle and Doug Veum

    Andrew Wentzel & Karen Nickell

    Paul Wozniak

    Andrea Wright

  • Rick and Bobbi Carlin

    Valerie Coleman

    Maurizio Conti & Pamela Schoenewaldt

    Ellen Copper

    Tony & Susanna Deaton

    Randall DeFord and Wesley Goddard

    Jeannie DeMeyere

    Francie Elrod

    Scott and Lisa Farmer

    Susan and Kent Farris

    Drs. Roberto Fernandez and Denia Ramirez

    Dawn Michelle Foster

    Jeff Frederick

    Nancy M. Goslee

    Kimberly Kleveland Grande

    Dr. John and Susan Gunning

    Judy Henry

    Sri and Ryland Jones

    Craig and Pamela Kallio

    John Kelley

    Susan and Brian Kemp

    Pamela Kite

    Mary Knepper

    Mark & Peggy Littmann

    Law Loving

    Teresa & George Lucke

    Marina Maccari-Clayton

    William MacGillivray

    Susan McGuire

    Laura Metcalf and Corey Miller

    Jeannette Morgenstern

    Linda & Joel Morris

    Rose Moseley

    Cecily Nall

    John Neal

    Sam Norman

    Jeffrey and Joni Pappas

    Drs. Josh & Lacey Phelps

    Sandy Roberson

    Susan Sgarlat and Charles Fels

    Patricia Thompson

    Jessica Tucker

    Louise Whipple

    Barbara & Hubert Wrushen

    John Zomchick

  • Tessa Antol

    Barbara and Steve Apking

    Dr. Shirley Avery

    Robert and Patty Baird

    Cheryl Barksdale

    Paul Barrette and Susan Martin

    Rebecca Barton

    Linda Behrend

    Jeff Bell

    Kathleen Borders

    Rhonda and Kent Bostick

    Ann Brand

    Martha W. Breazeale

    Cathy Briscoe-Graves

    Gwen Brown

    Elsa Bryan

    Ross and Erin Bunting

    Frances Butler

    Janet Cable

    Suzanne Cardiff

    Miranda Carpenter

    Andrew and Ulla Carr

    Suzanne Carriere

    Haleigh Chastain

    Brooks and Karen Clark

    Jerry and Charlotte Cochran

    Graham Cole

    Janice Cole

    F. Michael Combs

    Jeff and Kelly Cooper

    Rachel Cox

    Mindy Coykendall

    Christopher Craig and Ann Robinson-Craig

    Barbara Crist

    Amy and Bob Cross

    Robert Darby

    Katy and Jarrett Davis

    Sarah M Davis

    Harrison Dean

    Mary Lynne Derrington

    Kevin Diffley

    Leslie Doepker

    Andrew & Ellie Dougherty

    Carol & Bryan Dove

    UALR Wellness and Inclusion

    Marylaine & Steve Driese

    Dr. Melissa & Edward Dumas

    Alison Dusch

    Barbara Eager

    Tom and Jennifer Eberts

    Lori Anne Emery

    Brooke Everett & Matt Foster

    Christopher Fancher

    Sally and George Farmer

    Joyce Feld and Charles Glisson

    Gwen FItzgerald

    Elizabeth Ford

    Ylliana Franco

    Robert & Martha Funke

    Mr. James G. Garvey

    Kristina Gaus

    Jane George

    Karen & Christopher George

    Michelle Gilliam

    Rosemary Gilliam

    Trent Gilmore

    Kevin Gunderson

    Richard & Beverley Hammond

    Matthew and Theresa Haralson

    David and Joy Headrick

    Lucia Andronescu and Vernon Henry

    Barbara Hillard

    Harriet Hodge

    Mary C. Holland

    Alicia Randisi-Hooker & Dr. Henry Hooker

    James and Kara Hudgens

    Friends of the Knox County Public Library

    Crystal Huskey

    Megan Hutchens

    Ron and Connie Hutchins

    Peter Hyde

    Rosanna Iosso

    Gail Jarvis

    Tommie Rush & Richard Jolley

    Katherine Kerchner

    Jeffrey Koehler

    Vicki & Doug Kunkle

    Gay Lam and Brian Gold

    Gayle LaMariana

    Leisa and Vinny Leo

    Sally Leonhard & Ben La Pointe

    Anthonie Lombard

    Linda Lussier

    Katie and Greg Mackay

    Irina Martovetsky

    Karen May

    Douglas McKamey

    Donald Merical

    Cody Miller

    Catherine Moirai

    Lee and Sabrina Moreland

    Jennifer Murchison & Melissa Butler

    David and Rebecca Murray

    Susan Napier-Sewell

    Carolyn K. Norris

    Katherin Norton

    Mary E. Oakes

    Elizabeth Offringa

    Tabatha Ogle

    Bruce Palmer

    Charles Palmer

    Edward and Corinne Patrick

    Barbara and Bill Penland

    Sara Phillips

    Catie Phipps

    Ben and Sara Pinnell

    Ronald Plybon

    Tousey Porter

    Vladimir Protopopescu

    Carmanelette Rawls

    Rachel Reed

    Dr. & Mrs. Rolland F. Regester

    Robert P. Rentenbach

    Joseph Rizzo

    Kelly Robinson

    John R. Rosson, Jr.

    Michelle Samples

    Steedman and Catherine Sarbah

    Carol C. Schmid

    Matt Schmidgall

    Robert Schultz

    Paige Severance

    Laura Shannon

    Virginia Sloan

    Sherri & Mark Smith

    Lynne Spires

    Larry A. Stanifer

    Fred Stephens

    Tere Stouffer

    Sandi Swilley

    Jim & Angela Tarlton

    Gregg Taylor

    Victoria Thomas

    Cheri and Michael Torano

    UALR Wellness and Inclusion

    Vickie Underwood

    Blake & Courtney Valentine

    Robert L. Vann

    Georgiana Vines

    Jan Buxton

    Wade David and Becky Walker

    M'Elena Walker

    Tracy and Perry Ward

    Carol & Dennis Waxman

    Timothy Wheeler

    Byron Wiggins

    Jim and Debby Williams

    Yuka Williams

    Michael Wilson

    Lynne Wright

    Shannon and Jonathan Zierden

    Matt & Adriana Zoder

  • Anonymous

    John Acker

    Mary Albrecht

    Patricia Alcamo

    Griselda Antonio

    Tannaz Azadi

    US Bank

    Randall Beckner

    Tina Bentrup

    Christie Bertram

    Dantena Bielke

    Sue Birdwell

    William Blackerby

    Connie Blair

    Valarie Blake

    Dmitry Bolmatov

    Jake Booher

    Michelle Brock

    Von Bruce

    Doris Bryan

    Crystal Butcher

    Alicia Butler

    Ashley Byrd

    Tracy Cagle

    Amanda Campfield

    Viridiana Carreon

    Abigail Castillo

    Melissa & Christopher Cave

    Jana Caywood

    Mark Chait

    Carolyn Chase

    Gussie Cherry

    Joan Chodak

    John and Donnarose Christakis

    Vina Clark

    Margaret Cody

    Jill Coffey

    Harry Collis

    Maxwell Cornelius

    Mary Cote

    James and Carigiouse Crippen

    Margaret Cruz

    Ann Cunningham

    Marianne Custer

    Diane Cutsinger

    Sue Cyphers

    Kathryn Dancona

    Jyoti and Frank Daniel

    Karen Davis

    Pieter and Barbara De Beer

    Chris DeFranco

    Daniel DeVore

    Gina Di Salvo

    Kathy Donaldson

    Tom Dukowitz

    Thomas Dula

    Krysta Edwards

    Barbara A Eubank

    Stephen Farrell

    Friedrich Fiebig

    Antonia Fletcher

    Isabella Ford

    Bailey Foster and Marcia Tobin

    Hope Foulds

    Greer and Bruce Fox

    Sheila Franklin

    Vivian Franklin

    Kathy Franzel

    Jamell Fulcher

    Tomika Fulcher

    Hannah Fuller

    Arturo Funes

    Cat Galasso

    Brandon Garcia

    John Gemender

    Ann Giffin

    Corey Gilbert

    John Gill

    Colleen Girard

    Jennifer & Rob Goebel

    David Goslee

    Teresa Greer

    Lucille Griffo

    Phillip Grissom

    Thomas Hancock

    Kenneth Hanna

    Megan Hanrahan

    Lee Harle

    Emileigh Harmon

    Jessica Harris

    Patricia Haun

    Deborah Hauser

    Julie Hays

    Patricia Healy

    Randolph Henke

    Desislava Henrikson

    Dr. & Mrs. Bruce Henschen

    Whitney Hodges

    Erick Hoegberg

    Deborah Hogan

    Olga Holland

    Emily Hudson

    Isabella Hurst

    Matthew Hyde

    Eleanor Jacobs

    Lauren Jean

    Charles Jefferson

    Kari Jessop

    Cheri Jorgenson & Terry Morton

    Peggy and Doug Kahr

    Ron Keeton

    Jennifer Kemp

    Barbara Kistler-Martin

    Nan Klee

    Gerry Knapp

    Nan Krichinsky


    Carolyn Lambert

    Susan Lancaster

    Josephine Landback

    Heather Larson

    Celia Lawren

    Marcia Lawson

    Mark Leitson

    Rebecca Lemburg-Rive

    Katherine & Ted Lewis

    Jackie Livesey

    Roselily Locicero

    Brian & Samantha Lowery

    Melissa Lynch

    Liz Mabey

    Kelly Mahoney

    Shannon Martin

    Debbie Mashburn

    Heather Mathews

    Andrea McBath

    Kathy McCoy

    Nancy T. McGlasson

    Leah McIntire

    Drs. Wayne & Sylvia McLaurin

    Virginia McLaurin

    Dianne McManus-Atkin

    Danielle Meyers

    Dan Michaelides

    Stephanie & Chris Miles

    Melanie Miller

    Michelle Mitchell

    Renee Mollenhour

    Hollie Morrow

    Steven and Nancy Moulton

    Mr. & Mrs. William Myers

    Mark Neuffer

    Kelli Newsome

    Sandra Nunez

    Ellen O’Shea

    Wayne and Diane O'Donnell

    Kristi and Chris Page

    Sarah Parsly

    Peter Pham

    Constance Powell

    Julie Priest

    Dr. Yulan Qing & Timothy Bodiya

    Joel Reeve

    Cheri Reznicek

    Gwyn Richardson

    Keith Richardson

    Darrie Robinson

    Stephanie Robinson

    Trudy Roccasalva

    Rachel Rollick

    India Sachitano

    Armand Salvatore

    Ben Savage

    Ken Savitz

    Julia Schmidt

    Lori Schmied

    Amy Sharp

    Gail Anne Shelton

    Christopher Shuping

    Artece Slay

    Ariel Smith

    David Smith

    Patricia Smith

    Philip Spampinato

    Josh Stabile

    Samuel Steele

    Marjorie Bennett Stephens

    James Stooksbury

    AnneMarie Strickland

    Garrett and Silessa Stroud

    Patricia Sullivan

    Eric Sundstrom

    Drs. Jack and Beth Talmadge

    Andre Terry

    Lisa Thomas

    Brandon Tomassoni

    Lynsey Tucker

    Hope Turner

    Johnny Urban

    Cheri VanBynen

    Krish Venkatachalam

    Caroline Vogel

    Endia Wade

    Laurie Wallace

    Alan Wendt

    Courtney Whitefield

    Rebecca Whitehead

    Caitlin Whiting

    Marlen Wilkins

    Andrea Williams

    Eric Williams

    Emily Worsham

    Rose Maria Yancy

    Jodi Yau

    Kris Zanoni

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